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Drupal 8 installation

DDKits Drupal 8 installation


Drupal is software that allows an individual or a community of users to easily publish, manage and organize a great variety of content on a website. Tens of thousands of people and organizations have used Drupal to set up scores of different kinds of web sites.


1- Make sure DDKits software is installed

ddk install

2- Start your environment installation

ddk start

3- Fill all information needed as the image below


4- Open any browser and try to opend the domain that you picked for your environment (our example here we picked

DDKits Drupal 8  Drush


**- Without Drush, Drupal is hard to control, that's why DDKits allowing you to use drush from your localhost same as you are hosting your Drupal on your local folder without the need to create drush alias:






To clear Drupal Cache:

drush without DDKits ==> drush cr or drush cache rebuild

drush with DDKIts ==> ddkd DOMAIN cr or ddkd DOMAIN cache rebuild

ex. to clear the cahce of a DDKits project domain cr



Drupal 8 home directory :
