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Getting Started

Using Composer:

1- Open terminal:

2- Create a project using Composer create-project

composer create-project ddkits/cli <folder_name>

3- DDKits will automatically install and clone the base CLI into your home folder ~/.

4- DDkits will run install as one of the composer automatic installation

Localhost or Virtual host 

4.1- if you need localhost then no need to worry about Virtual Host 

4.2- If you are using different tools and containers that using default localhost, preferred to use Virtual host option

5- Check the command "ddk" after installing and proxy DDkits is running


Using github:

1- Open terminal and clone DDKits from github as below:

git clone  PATH/TO/FOLDER

2- Run DDKits alias file in terminal, make sure you are in the same folder that you cloned the reposatory in. This step to add DDKits command " ddk " into your terminal:

cd  PATH/TO/FOLDER && source

3- After it finish, check your ddk by running the main command as below:



Using the zip file:

1- extract the content of the file into the folder that you want your site to load from:

2- Run DDKits alias file in terminal **make sure you are in the same folder that you cloned the reposatory in .**, this step to add DDKits command " ddk " into your terminal:


3- After it finish, check your ddk by running the main command as below:




Check your Docker, Docker-compose, docker-machine and DDKits installations by 

-In your terminal then: 

 docker -v && docker-compose --version && docker-machine -version  && ddk

-If DDKits  "ddk not found ", go to any DDKits project then:





. ./

-then run again the main command:



- DDKits is a Unix base software which means it can be controled 100%.

To start your DDKits new website you need to begin your software first and install DDKits main containers first by 

ddk install

- then 

ddk start


- Drupal version only start it with composer by using the command below

ddk start com